Posts tagged photography tips
The Art of Freelensing

Freelensing. It requires experimentation and patience. I think it also requires one to let go of the idea of perfection. Along with shooting from the hip, this is one way I occasionally force myself to relax, create, and just have fun, without the pressure of “doing it right”. I’m not sure if you know this, but I have a doctorate in over-thinking, and sometimes I need to just stop thinking and start doing. These creative methods remind me of why I became obsessed with taking photos in the first place.

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The Art of Panning

You know those photos where the subject is in focus and the background looks like it’s whizzing by? Think of a photo of a biker commuting to work down a city street where the buildings are blurred behind the subject. I recently posted an image like this on IG that got quite a few kind comments about being about to literally feel the wind and the joy in the moment. The technique used in this situation is called panning. It’s not necessarily easy and it takes some practice, but it’s a fun and useful trick to have in your arsenal.

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